Let’s get this started.
I’ve had this idea tumbling around in my mind for months (into years) now. The problem is, that every time I want to get started, I suffer from a few delusions of grandeur, some mild to extreme writer’s block, and crippling anxiety about “where” this blog will be headed.
Here is the reality:
I love the outdoors. I always have. And while I was never part of a ‘crunchy’ family or upbringing, I had a very country childhood filled with picking wildflower bouquets for my mom and finding the coolest lizard to catch and show my sister. As I grew older, I lost a bit of that, and after graduating college had nearly forgotten it completely. After realizing that feeling tired, slow and weak all of the time wasn’t fun, I decided to change my ways. Being outside, getting moving, and eating clean simple foods is something I’ve slowly become passionate about out of necessity.
What started as a chore, became a habit, and grew into a hobby.
Clean eating, nutritious movement and a healthy dose of play are all things I want for myself and my family.
What you’ll soon realize about me, though, is that I’m a bit of an enigma. A geek at my core, I love video games, comic cons, Star Wars and Marvel and a heaping scoop of anything fantasy.
There’s Got to Be a Middle Ground Somewhere:
These interests don’t always easily intertwine with most people. Nature hike lovers often turn up their noses at the thought of using their free time to sit and play a game on a screen. And the geek community as a whole doesn’t seem to be that big on sunshine and gaining sustenance on any foods outside of Cheetos and Mountain Dew. (And yes, these are over-generalizations, but overall it seems that they ring true.) I feel that trying to chose one side in this hyper-connected world just means missing out on some great experiences and wonderful stories.
So, here I am, a geek, a nerd, a player of RPGs, a crunchy health-nut, a farmers-market shopper, a mama, and wife trying to find balance amidst all the fun tech and wonderful stories the geek culture presents and all the tiny sweet moments that making your own adventures can offer.
I’ve started this blog to document my wins and failures of seeking balance in this world of circuits and sunshine. Grab a map of Middle Earth and come along for the hike, it’s going to be a blast–I’m sure of it.